Are you trying to obtain a loan or line of credit from a financial institution, but have been told that you must have audited or reviewed financial statements?
Are you a contractor who is trying to get a construction project bonded, but are required to have an external accounting review?
Would it be helpful to see your daily financial transactions reflected in a financial statement format, while eliminating the monthly bookkeeping headaches that result from keeping your own financial records?
At Griffing & Company, P.C., we are committed to matching your needs with the appropriate level of service. We recognize that a business needs to have financial statements for various reasons. From statements prepared for management’s internal use to satisfying a requirement from third parties, we strive to understand each client’s business environment and provide customized services to our clients based upon their needs.
As your trusted accountant and advisor, we strive to provide the most economical level of service to you based upon your needs. Whether you need an audit, review or compilation, you can trust us to provide the reports that you need to make sound decisions, minimize your risks, and prepare for the future. Allow us to take care of your financial reporting needs, so that you may concentrate on operating the business that you have worked so hard to build. Whether it is providing compilation, review or audit services, we are here to serve you. Let us help you grow your business.